School Counseling Office Space

As a school counselor, my office space had some pretty humble beginnings.

My career as a school counselor started with my final field internship.  I was hired by the school district where I was planning to do my second field internship. I was emergency certified as a school counselor and served as a long term substitute. I was using someone else's space so I didn't feel like I could really make it my own, especially because he was coming back before the end of the school year. The picture to the left shows the little area I used for my resources to work with students.

After graduating, I held two different long term substitute positions. During one of my long term substitute positions I did not have a consistent space to meet with kids! I had a desk in between two special education teachers. I enjoyed working with the special education teachers, but I had no space to meet with students that was confidential or consistent. I had to utilize other teachers classrooms, book nooks, conference rooms, the cafeteria, and the nurses office at times to meet with students. I did lots classroom guidance since I did not have a consistent space to meet with students. The picture to the left shows my desk area.

Last year, at my current school, I was so excited just to have my own space! My school counseling office was a decent size, but I wanted to be able to meet with groups in my office.  One of the teachers generously donated her U-shaped tablet to me. The table took up most of my office, but it was worth it to be able to meet with up to 8 students at a time.  (At times I would even have more than that, which is hard to believe). To the left is a picture inside my office from last year.

At the end of the school year last year I packed up my whole office because I did not know if I would have a job the following year. My district had a major budget deficit and cut a lot of positions. Thankfully, I still have a job this year!

When I went into a meeting for school, my principal told me he was giving me a new space to utilize for my school counseling office for the 2010-2011 school year! It is a small classroom! I was so excited! I really could not believe it considering how at one point I did not even have a space to meet with kids! To the right are are pictures of my new school counseling office area. It is empty right now, but I have some big plans for the space. I can't wait to post new pictures once I get my all my stuff in there.

I realized when I was looking at my pictures of my old school counseling office that I have a lot of great resources that I want to share with people. I am a visual person and I thought it would be neat to show readers pictures of my school counseling office and point out the resources. I thought this might also be helpful to new counselors to get some ideas of what to have in their office.

I created a Prezi to give readers a "tour" of my school counseling office. There are links within the Prezi so readers could access some great (mostly FREE) resources! All you have to do is click on the links! If you want to see a larger version you can also play it full screen.

View My School Counseling Office 2009-2010 Prezi or click below for a tour!

I hope you enjoy your tour!

Do you have pictures of your office that you want to share with others? Post them on the School Counselor Blog Facebook page!

Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources.  Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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