Back to Grad School - School Supply Shopping

I went school supply shopping last week in preparation for my Ph.D. program starting on August 25th! EEEK! It has been four years since I have been in graduate school for my Master's Degree and I really don't know what school supplies I will need.  I wanted to get some of the must haves before classes start and then get any other supplies I need after classes start. 

I asked School Counselor Blog Facebook fans who are in graduate school for suggestions.  I think I got most of the recommended items! ;) 

In this post I will detail the items I purchased and how I plan to use them. 

Notebook and Paper
I am a big fan of three prong folders, but I couldn't seem to find any at Target that were in fun colors. I am totally picky when it comes to things like that.

I decided to try out this Five-Star Flex Hybrid Notebook. It has pockets and you can add paper to it. It is also a pretty turquoise color... you can't tell that in this picture. For some reason it looks blue...

I am excited to try this new notebook out. I will let you all know how it goes once classes get started.

I also purchased filler paper. I don't like regular notebooks because I hate when you don't use a whole notebook and there is a bunch of paper left over... so I like to control the amount of paper that is in my notebook. ;)

Post-it Notes
As you can see I got lots of Post-it notes and I will probably end up buying a ton more. I love Post-it notes. They just have so many uses... I got a few different sizes and I have a plan for each one!

Super Sticky with Lines
Since my graduate assistantship is purchasing my books for me I am not sure if I am allowed to write in them. I got some square super sticky Post-it Notes with lines so I could stick more detailed notes on pages of my textbooks without writing on the pages.

Page Markers
I like to use the page marker Post-it notes to highlight pages I have notes on.

Square Super Sticky
I purchased a regular size pack of square Post-it notes for general notes.

Tiny NoteCube
I purchased tiny NoteCube stye Post-it Notes to write down my reading assignments. I like to write the reading assignment pages on Post-it notes each week and put it on the front of the textbooks I need to read. I don't like to have to look up the page assignments on my syllabi every time I read my textbooks.

Stapler and Hole Punch
I have a super awesome mini stapler somewhere in one of my school counseling supply boxes that is in storage. So, until I decide to go through everything I purchased a mini stapler to hold me over. I have already used it for things I needed to staple unrelated to graduate school... so I think it was a good investment.

I also purchased a hole punch so that I can put all of the handouts and papers I receive into my Five-Star Flex Hybrid Notebook.

To be completely honest I mostly bought these because they were cute... I saw them at Ikea and just had to buy them. I will use these to clip papers together and to clip things to my binder

I purchased this planner on a whim and I am pretty sure I am going to take it back.

I might try to make my own planner. If I do I will share it with you all!

I have been trying to think of what my ideal planner would have in it. I really wanted a planner that has a monthly calendar and a to-do list for each day. I am not sure if that exists... that is why I think I am going to make my own.

I also might look into digital planners. I like to record things in iCal or Google Calendar...

If anyone has suggestions of a favorite planner online or paper that they use let me know! :)

Highlighter are a big must have. I usually go through or lose them so I bough the least expensive pack I could find.

What are your must have school supplies for graduate school? Where do you shop for school supplies? 

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Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Connect with Danielle via emailTwitter, PinterestLinkedInGoogle+, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.

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