Promoting Higher Education Opportunities to Students

Awhile back I wrote a post about requesting college swag and what to do with it . This year one of my goals is to expose my students to higher education opportunities in the Pittsburgh, PA region. Over the summer, I sent out emails to admissions offices at local colleges and universities in my county and surrounding counties requesting pennants to display in the school counseling area at my school. In the emails I explained how I would be using the pennants at my school. A few weeks ago I started receiving the pennants! I couldn't be more excited about the response I received so far! Today I hung up the my "All Students College & Career Ready!" banner and the pennants I received so far. I am hoping to represent all of the colleges and universities in the Pittsburgh area and then expand my efforts to elsewhere in PA and beyond! Below I included the exact message I sent to Duquesne University, where I am pursuing my doctoral degree. I thought...