Fabulous Find Friay: Do you Groove?

This Friday's Fabulous Find is Grooveshark.
Grooveshark is a free MP3 streaming and Internet Radio website. Members can search for MP3s and listen to them live. Members can create playlists, get recommendations, and share their favorites with others. To learn more about the features of Grooveshark go to Grooveshark Help. (Membership is FREE!)
Grooveshark is easy to use. After you search for songs, hit the plus sign near the song to add it to your collection. You can then create a playlist and drag songs into the playlist.
This week's Fabulous Find was inspired by a counseling activity: "Soundtrack of Your Life." I wanted to find a cost-effective way for students to make a playlist using their "Soundtrack of Your Life." Grooveshark was the answer! Using Grooveshark, members can create a playlist and play it online. The playlist can then be shared with others through email or by copying the link.
I created a sample playlist to show just how easy it is to share playlists: School Counselor Blog - Sample Playlist. You chan chose to listen to each song seperately or play the whole playlist. The first song is "My Own Two Hands," by Jack Johnson, a song I have used in lessons about diversity and tolerance. The second song is "One Tribe" by Black Eyed Peas, which I have used in lessons for teaching about unity and peace. The final song is "Let it be," from the Across the Universe Soundtrack. I included it because it is a very artistic version of the song... and I had it stuck in my head.
How will you utilize Grooveshark in your work as a school counselor?
Do you have a Fabulous Find that you Fancy? If you have a suggestion for a Fabulous Find, comment below or email me and I will try it out! Your Fabulous Find may be Featured on a Future Friday, Friends! ;)
Danielle is a K-12 Certified School Counselor, Nationally Certified Counselor, and blogger at School Counselor Blog, a place where school counselors share innovative ideas, creative lesson plans, and quality resources. Contact Danielle via email, follow her on twitter, and become a fan of the School Counselor Blog Facebook Page.